Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A Plate Just Fell On My Head

Yes, the title is true. Today is Wednesday, April 11, 2012, and this morning a plate fell on my head. Actually, it was a beautifully glazed deep-dish 9" ceramic pie pan (a rather hefty plate). I opened the kitchen cabinet door to reach for a fork like I have hundreds of times, and the pie pan as well as a few other ceramic/glass dishes came crashing down. I actually have no clue which dish(es) hit me, but the pie pan broke. I think it is the dish responsible for the cut that now spans the bridge of my nose.

Luckily, that cut, a headache, and a goose egg on my hairline are the only outcomes of the incident. It could have been a lot worse. (Let this be a cautionary tale to you. Those dishes have been in the same place for almost two years. Why/how they shifted enough to fall today is beyond me, but you should rethink your cabinet organization if you store heavy objects on the topmost shelves). 

See, I'm just fine! The doctors glued up the cut and everything.

Anyhow, what in the world does this have to do with my Spain blog that I never finished and haven't touched for almost eleven months? 

Wow. Has it been that long already? So much has happened since then. I often think about finishing the blog, but then other things take priority. Job searching, school projects, friends and family, working out, scholarship list, at times, seems infinite. Today, though, I have decided to turn a crappy morning into an opportunity to start tying up the loose ends from that semester in Spain. 

It's not so much for sharing with you what happened to me a year ago--although of course I love that--as it is for recording the memories for my own sake before I forget them entirely. Plus, I never know when a bunch of ceramic dishes could fall on my head again, potentially leaving me with amnesia and no primary accounts to help me remember my life save this blog.

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